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  1. I’ve heard tales that my grandma was relieved when my grandpa started having an affair because it meant he would stop trying to be physical with her…. and that when she had a hysterectomy she was glad because she hated being pregnant.

    1. yes this doesn’t surprise me (Although it does sadden me). We really take for granted the lack of options that women once had in their life. And not only options, but the lack of importance placed on their voices, thoughts and emotions.

    2. If I think about it too long (so I don’t), I get freaked out by how much I lack autonomy. I still have issues getting birth control pills because my husband’s employer is a Catholic university that sued the U.S. government just to have the “right” to say no to people who need this medication — and need it for any reason.

  2. I’ve heard people speak both very highly of Kaur’s work and disparagingly. Personally, I think anything that gets more people reading poetry is good! I love what you say about our female elders lifting us up on their shoulders. I hope that continues to be the trend and our daughters look back at our lives and know they have more than we do now.

    1. Thanks yes, this is a definitely a theme that’s resonant in her work. And I agree-anything that gets people reading poetry is a good thing!

  3. Both of my daughters like her books and my oldest daughter owns them (they’re very pretty!). I’ve heard she especially resonates with a younger audience. It sounds like she’s giving out the kind of messages I want my girls to get.

    1. Oh yes definitely, you can be comfortable as a mum with her stuff, nothing bad here!

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