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  1. I love a good spy book but like you, I would have reservations about picking this one up. Considering you gave it a shot and liked it, I have half a mind to do the same! It’s been added to the TBR list, that’s for sure. Thanks for sharing!

  2. How did I miss this coming out?? I loved his earlier book about Kim Philby, A Spy Among Friends. Real life spies are even more fun than fictional ones!

    1. very true! I was definitely thinking of you for this one FF, you would really like it. And because of your Reading Russian Revolution thing, you’d have way more context than I did!

  3. Well, one reason to read more spy novels – the plethora of GIFs. I used to read a lot of them in my twenties and occasionally I still indulge in one. This sounds fun!

  4. I, too, am reading a book set in Russia! It’s one of those countries that is so big that that history is messy and hard to follow, so I only occasionally dip my toe in. I’m reading a short story collection called There Once Lived a Girl Who Seduced Her Sister’s Husband, and He Hanged Himself by Ludmilla Petrushevskaya. The stories focus on the housing situation: these cement block apartments that are tiny.

    Are you going to read more Russian or spy books soon?

    1. haha that’s exactly what I thought when I read the blurb-not for me! but it is very good…

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