Book Review: Once More With Feeling by Meira Cook

When I comment on other people’s book blogs, I frequently find myself saying similar things; in particular, I frequently admit that I love a good book that deals with nothing at all (like the literary version of Seinfeld). People’s mundane lives, the things that happen to all of us fascinate me, so I really expected to like Meira Cook’s novel Once More With Feeling. Unfortunately, this book just didn’t hit the mark for me.

This book reads like a collection of short stories, as each lengthy chapter is written from a different character’s perspective. We begin with Max, who has flown over his family’s 17-year-old World Vision ‘adopted’ child Pat from Africa to meet his wife as a surprise birthday gift. Moral issues with treating a person as a gift aside, this is a pretty unrealistic thing to start the book off with, but I’ll let that go. Unfortunately, Max and Pat get into a car accident and perish before they reach home and even more unfortunately, Max’s fly on his pants was broken. When their bodies are discovered in this comprising position, people assume the worst, and Max’s reputation is tarnished forever, especially in his family’s eyes. From then on we hear the perspective of each remaining family member, as well as other, unconnected members of their small community, many stories in which Max’s family barely registers.
Even summarizing this book intrigues me, because I think it’s a wonderfully sad premise. However, Cook just wasn’t able to follow through on connecting these stories to each other, and to the reader. What this book suffers from, at its heart, is unevenness. Some chapters I really enjoyed and connected to, while others lay flat, or at worst, come across as totally unnecessary. I think Cook was too ambitious with attempting to write narratives from so many different voices; teenage girls, older men, a young man suffering from various forms of mental illness. The scope is just too large and unfocused in this one.

Reading other reviews of this book only confirms my belief about is; it’s in need of a more substantive edit, and even though other reviewers were more positive than I’m being here, they all admit this is difficult to get through. I rarely DNF (do not finish) a book however, and I’m glad I kept going until the end on this one because I was rewarded with some closure in the last two chapters, and I closed the book feeling a bit lighter despite the tragedy(ies) I described above. In addition to the hopeful ending, I was also pleased with a few specific characters, some were extremely funny, especially the teenagers, and especially when said teenagers were describing seniors:
“Mrs. Silverstein was asking a bunch of girls if they were vegetarians, she certainly hoped not but it seemed to be the fashion these days. For instance, her own daughter, her Leah, had become one recently, and she was still a vegetarian even after Mrs Silverstein pointed out that if God didn’t want people to eat animals he wouldn’t have made them out of food”(p. 153)
Does this not sound like every old person you’ve ever talked to? Cook has clearly nailed this character, and she wrote every person in a very authentic way, in fact it’s impressive how realistic she was able to write each diverse viewpoint…but still, why bombard the reader with all this?

I will never write a book, I have no intention of doing so, so I read and critique writing with the reader’s experience first and foremost in my mind. Perhaps this makes me a harsher critic? I expect the author to write the book for us, the people on the receiving end. What do you think? Am I being too black and white on this subject? Let me know in the comments.
i haven’t read this one, but it recently landed hard on my TBR because I just finished an older poetry collection of hers which I quite enjoyed. And, yes, I think the girls’ description of the older woman’s opinion of vegetarianism is spot-on. No joke, I had that very conversation with an older woman last Saturday. (Today, one week later, she apologized for being prejudicial in her comments, and that’s not as common in my experience. I doubt Mrs. Silverstein would have considered that she needed to apologize, but, then again, her rant might have been quieter! Hah) If/When I do get to this one, I’ll try to remember to come back and read your post again.
haha yah, that conversation was just too priceless to not quote in my review.
You may like this one more than I did, I felt overly harsh writing this review but it just dragged for me…
If a book is going to be about everyday experiences, then it makes no sense that it be about so many tragedies. Also, if a book is going to be about common experiences, I personally want them to be about the stuff that happens, but no one wants to talk about. And I want it to be weird and normalized.
Yah I know what you mean. The beginning had this great tragedy and then it just petered out from there. Meh.
I just watched the latest stand-up special by Amy Schumer, and she was saying that when you’re single, you make sure you always keep all the toilet paper out of your lady parts because you never know when you’re going to have sex. Now, as a pregnant lady, she says, “I have half a roll of Charmin in there.” I nearly died laughing. If I’m laughing, and thousands of people in the audience are laughing, we all know what she’s talking about, but it’s the kind of thing you don’t want to talk about.
I really love Amy Schumer, she’s so legitimely funny
Haha, I’m so going to steal that line about animals being made out of food! I think you’re quite right – if authors are writing for themselves, they should keep an unpublished diary. If they’re writing for readers, then they should learn to self-edit… I don’t want to read a lot of irrelevant waffle just because an author couldn’t bear to cut it out.
I love that idea of authors keeping diaries-what a wonderful way to trim down their useless writing haha
I’m pretty sure that’s not how World Vision works! You can’t just go and get your child! Too bad this book was a dud, the premise sounds interesting.
haha yes, it’s funny, I’ve sponsored various children through world vision for almost 15 years now, and I’m quite positive they don’t offer the child up for visits LOL
Normally, the structure of this novel would attract me – each chapter written from a different point of view – but I’m going to take your word on this one.
Maybe you’re just so used to liking most of the books you read that you feel like you’re being overly harsh when you don’t like one as much? That’s probably how I would feel.
Yes, I think you’re right! I typically do enjoy most of them, so when I don’t, I really lean into my negative review