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  1. Sounds like an interesting one. Not sure I would choose it as distraction for politics though, sometimes it feels like politicians are leading us towards dystopia.

    The reactions you mention sound realistic – although (believe it or not) there was a time when people lived happily without mobile phones and internet ;-)

    1. Yes, I quickly realized that reading dystopian novels as a way to escape politics is actually the opposite of what I should be doing! Sigh, lesson learned!

  2. I’m planning to pick this one up in June, and your thoughts have made me even more excited for it. :) I love that blurry line between the real and the imagined, so I’m really looking forward to delving into this dystopia, especially knowing that it feels like something that really could happen. Great review!

    1. Thanks very much, I hope you like it! It’s definitely ‘fun’, even though it may cause some anxiety haha

  3. I think because your review doesn’t mention radiation or charred bodies or blast zones or things like that, I’m totally picturing this as a zombie novel. Is that weird?

    1. No it’s not weird at all, but there aren’t zombies. Basically just…strange absences? And a bit Lord of Flies type violence going on at times…like, lots of male aggression LOL

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