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  1. Even from the photo The Nutcracker book looks too busy. I mean, I can’t imagine a toddler sitting through the end of the page, let alone the entire book. Form versus content, as they say. A baby board book can’t also be a children’s book.

  2. There’s something about The Nutcracker that I’ve always found creepy. I haven’t read it, but I’ve never really enjoyed it in either pantomime or ballet, so I reckon your kids are showing they have excellent taste… ;)

    1. It is a spooky story, and I find all the picture books I’ve read on it also have a strangely eerie feel to it. It’s almost like a ghost story in a way…

  3. Funnily, I’ve never separated our Christmas children’s books from the others here at home, but I do keep the Christmas board books at work in storage until after Thanksgiving! (Mostly because our board book bins are so crowded, LOL.)

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