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    1. I’ve read all three of Irby’s books and just recently reread Lawson’s first memoir, and I would argue that Irby is a much stronger writer whose stories don’t reek of exaggeration like Lawson’s do. Like I told Anne, I would recommend reading Irby’s books in order. You get a much more meaningful understanding of her life in important ways; however, you can read them in any order for a chuckle, too.

  1. I think she’s funny, and I believe it was Melanie whose talk of her first got me to investigate too! If I’d been drinking tea while reading that last bit about the pizza, I might be trekking my t-shirt to the washing machine right now too. (Partly because *I* borrowed her book from the library too! But I do buy books when I can.)

    1. and she’s grown up quite poor so she doesn’t begrudge people using the library, she’s just so funny I loved that quote so much.

  2. I would read these books just for the cute covers! The bunny is my favourite so far – it looks like our Nugget. :)

    1. Do you have one of these bunnies? SO CUTE! If I wasn’t allergic to rabbits I would definitely have one

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