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  1. We followed the core humanist principles, which sound pretty similar–Honesty, Fairness, Compassion, Respect, and Responsibility–but make a much less appealing mnemonic. But I also feel like compassion is key and I’m not sure that kindness gets to the same place. Still, overall, this sounds like a book I could get behind. Have you read Madeline Levine? Her Ready or Not was in the NYT earlier this year and I wished that I’d read it years ago, when it seemed like the parenting advice was all pro-‘copter. (Did I mention her before? I can’t remember if I mentioned it to you or to Laila?)

  2. Like Laila, I’m guilty of reading very few parenting books. I just couldn’t get into them. To make up for it, I subscribed to a parenting magazine and read the articles. I was never much of a helicopter parent (too exhausting), but when they started experimenting in the kitchen I knew I had to get out or else I’d take over and ruin their fun. I only came in to help if they had a question.

    1. that may have to be my strategy too Naomi, watching Ava try to cook makes me cringe!!!

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