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  1. Sue is the best! She has opened my eyes to a lot of authors I would not have otherwise had exposure to. Thanks Sue!

    1. Sue-Shane is great isn’t she? I was so excited to (electronically) meet her, a person on twitter recommended I check her out and I’m so grateful I did. Hopefully her book club gets some new members after her guest post.

    1. Isn’t that such a lovely dream she has? I’ll buy ALL the books she publishes :)

  2. Fascinating piece! Just popping over now to visit Sue’s website. I wish I’d “met” her when I was looking for books for my Around the World challenge – I had so much trouble trying to find books about Africa that weren’t either written by colonialists or in some way about colonialism.

  3. I wonder if she’s tried doing an online video book club. I’m finding they are the bees knees and help people with difficult schedules and family obligations. Also, I hope Tsomondo will check out the book Motherhood So White, maybe in lieu of Het’s book Motherhood?

    1. sigh, I know, Sheila Heti’s book was difficult, to say the least. She’s been doing a few instagram live vids and i think she’s finding more success in that

  4. Love Love LOVE the graphic of favourite books. (And kinda giggled to see Gerald Durrell in the mix.)

    1. right? I’m so jealous of that graphic, I haven’t asked her how she made it

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