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  1. Ok I’m glad I’m not the only reviewer who feels this way! I was worried I was being too harsh…

  2. Well you already know that I love a complex narrative structure, as well as what some call “puzzle novels”, so it won’t surprise you that I take issue with the idea that simply because someone is writing a complicated story that requires an outline, that these authors are not keeping the reader’s experience in mind and are bound to disappoint their readers. Will some readers be disappointed? Maybe. But not every book is going to be a match for every reader and that doesn’t mean it’s a badly done book. I’d bet that some of the books you love have been meticulously outlined and you’ve enjoyed them all the same. Isn’t this just the age-old debate of pantsers versus planners? So, if you’re a pantser, you’re kinda obliged to diss the planners? :)

  3. Ha you’re very right, which is why I think reviews have been mixed on this book. I just miss the old Will Ferguson books too much so I’m cranky that he’s branching off in this new direction.

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