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  1. When people point out that things are better for women in the workplace, I point out how millions of women left the workplace during the pandemic to assist young children doing e-Learning. Women didn’t leave the workplace to stay home with their children because it’s the material thing to do; likely, their families sat down, looked at their finances, and realized men still make more than women, so if one person’s income had to be dropped, it would be the person who makes less — which is still women.

    1. Yup, absolutely. Women do still make less than men, which is why we need books like this!!!

    1. Actually that’s a good point, I never realized that. Plus, one of the branding pieces she uses for her “ladies get paid” organization is pink scrunchies with dollar signs on them LOL

  2. Yes, it’s been interesting to see that the burden of childcare and home schooling has fallen directly on women despite the pretence that men now take a full share in domestic life. It has also been interesting to see that middle-class women seem to want the schools to stay shut while working-class women want them open (over here). My guess is that’s because the middle-class women can work from home so don’t lose income, whereas for shop workers, cleaners, etc, no school means no job means no food for their kids. It has also intrigued me that middle-class women, largely, haven’t much cared about what’s happening to their working-class sisters. I’m truly outraged at the demands that middle-class teachers should be allowed to queue-jump for vaccines while working-class grocery store workers, who’ve worked throughout the whole thing without the incessant complaining, shouldn’t be prioritised. We live in two worlds…

    1. Oh that’s interesting that teachers have been able to jump the vaccine line over there! The majority of us Canadians won’t be getting ours until the late summer early fall it sounds like…

    2. Ah, they haven’t, but they’ve been campaigning to – happily the government has held out so far. Anyway they’re planning to have done everyone by July so not long to wait now! Mine is next week and I’m so excited! :D

    3. Also, I’m firmly middle class and praying our schools stay open LOL working from home with kids is basically impossible

  3. This sounds great! I especially like the focus that what’s better for one group of women makes it better for all of us and we need to support one another. This current recession has really demonstrated how much our society relies on the unpaid labour of women. I’ve talked to several moms who expected to go back to work or increase their work hours this year after sending a child to kindergarten but have been unable to. I haven’t heard any dads talking about that.

    1. yup, absolutely. It’s a nice book for a lot of reasons, but it’s especially applicable right now, when we have to insist on our rights inside the home (fair splitting of domestic duties) and in the workplace

  4. Neither the title nor the cover pull me in, although these are definitely topics relevant to me (I wouldn’t wear those scrunchies either and can’t imagine who would?!). It’s overwhelming to think how much systemic change is required to truly make lasting changes in this regard; it doesn’t matter how much one’s male partner might be on-board for equality, when the two of you have to make a decision that leaves one of you available for FT child-care, it comes down to the bottom-line for many (not just a question of whether you’ll be able to take a vacation but whether you eat three meals/day). I’ve only seen the TED talk for Lean In, but I’ve been more interested in the books produced in response to it. I mean, if there’s a Lean Out, one has to wonder about the other side of the story, right? LOL

    1. Sometimes I have the sudden urge to Lean Out when something frustrating happens at work, or I feel once again ‘guilty’ about staying home with a sick kid, etc. It’s not easy being a working mom, that’s for dang sure.

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