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  1. This one sounds so different from what you normally read, and I love all the creepy elements you describe. I checked out this press and realized that they send books to the U.S., too. It’s always a bummer when you review a cool book and I can’t get it!

  2. I heard Brian Lam give a really great speech at IFOA/TIFA a couple of years ago. It’s great to see small presses getting some good attention. Are the talks about whether S&S and PRH can amalgamate done, then? It’s all going through?

    1. I don’t think it’s a done deal yet, although I haven’t heard any updates. These things typically take ages anyway

    1. Probably unnerving horror. IN fact, the author may be horrified I’m calling it horror, but here we are LOL

  3. I love the sound of this! And this is the first I’ve heard of it despite the cover of your book saying it came out in October. I’ve just requested it through ILL (I was surprised to find it at all!) – Yay, Arsenal Pulp!

    1. I’m so excited about their recent successes, let’s keep it rolling!

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