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  1. Okay, I am into this! Are there a lot of actual sex scenes or is it just suggested? (Either way I’d still be interested to read, just curious lol)

    1. honestly it’s not too gratuitous or anything like that, it was really just the atmosphere? If that makes any sense? Also just the idea of all these hot guys together was so appealing hahah

    2. It’s my fault for calling this book sexy and giving people the idea that it’s full of sex. It’s not really it’s just the atmosphere I guess….it’s just so…raw? I don’t know, hard to describe, you just have to read it ;)

    1. Everyone loves this pink bathtub! It comes with a set of crayola markers where kids ‘colour’ little white animals and then clean them in the bath tub

  2. That little plastic bathtub cracks me up, lol. I get tired of seeing “perfect” photos, which has kept me from taking cute pictures of books. You always make it fun, though. I’m wondering what kind of relationship survives secrets. And what kind of secrets. And how many.

    1. Well I think that answer is different for everyone, however, I personally see secrets as quite toxic in a relationship. But honestly, ask me in a few decades, I may think differently hahah

    2. I think I would explode if I had secrets. Secrets hurt people, I believe, because it’s a sign that they have no one trust, and if you have no one to trust, there has to be some element of your life that’s making you live somewhat like a feral animal.

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