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  1. This review is bringing back memories of the drama I experienced living in dorm my first year! (Though probably not as dramatic as this!) It’s easy now to look back and recognize what I should have done differently but it’s so hard when you’re young and in the middle of it and it sounds like the author captures some of that here.

    1. Yes exactly. Hopefully you didn’t experience this level of drama. If no one died, your safe! haha

  2. I get frustrated with books that have “girl” in the title when the author really means women because I assume the book is about WOMEN. I don’t mean that in a feminist way, just the fact that the lives of high school girls, college women, and adult women are all so different.

    Did you read Dare Me by Megan Abbott? It sounds in a similar vein to this one, and I think you would enjoy it. The audio is done super well, so if you’re looking for a commute book, or a jogging book, or whatever, I know you’d dig it.

    1. Oh I’ve definitely heard of Megan Abbott, no doubt she’s a very successful thriller writer? haha

  3. I do enjoy toxic female relationships (in fiction, I mean – not in life!) but as you know, “that day” books drive me crazy so thanks for the warning!

  4. What a fantastic review! You got so much more out of this novel than I did. I guess I fell into the “irritated” reader category. While aspects of Amb’s insecurity felt familiar I’m getting tired of the young women turning on each other trope. I love dark fiction, but this one fell short for me. Maybe because it reminded me of the The Divines, which came out this year as well.

    1. Oh now I haven’t read The Divines-that sounds interesting! Thanks for your kind words-I found myself irritated at certain points too so you are certainly not alone :)

  5. This probably isn’t one that I’d rush to read…but I’m all in favour of nuanced characterization when it comes to female characters so I would fall into your first group, but…still not for me. :)

    1. it’s not for a lot of people-plus, there are soo many books like this now! Almost too many to choose from haha

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