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  1. Thanks for the review! Definitely agree with the comment above that it was more engrossing than purely enjoyable.


    I was unclear about the ending though, does Joan die?

    1. Oh boy, it’s been so long since I’ve read this one, I honestly can’t remember – plus I give away all my books so I can’t even go back and check! My apologies, but someone else may answer your question here….

    2. I wish someone would’ve responded to your question. I’m also unsure. It’s ultimately why I found this website!

    3. I’m really curious about this too, do her and her baby live? Does she die? Maybe Taddeo was deliberately vague, would love to know what others thought.

    4. Someone else just asked this same question. From what I recall, I remember her being deliberately vague , which I actually enjoy in a book because then I can use my own imagination :)

  2. River is Joan’s baby girls dad. But it’s unclear if Joan lives after the birth. Any ideas?

    1. My belief is that she left this sort of vague on purpose so we could make our own theories up, but honestly it’s been so long since I read it, I’d welcome another opinion or theory :)

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