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  1. That trailer is striking. Is it a book trailer? Or, if the author is into multimedia, is there another version of the story in the works or available already? This really doesn’t suit my current reading mood, but the way you’ve described it piques my interest in general. I do like stories that encourage us to slow down and re-think.

    1. Yes it’s just a book trailer, off the publisher website. I don’t believe Sewell does multimedia, as far as I know, she’s a writer only, including poetry.

  2. My patience is diminishing for books that make me feel lost. Maybe I’m losing focus. I worked to get into a program at a new college, quit my job, got a new job, and classes started. I will say I find shapeshifting novels interesting. I don’t have a ton under my belt, but there was a series of novellas by S.M. Reine about a cat that shapeshifts into a human that cracked me up.

    1. Yes you definitely have to be in the mood for a book that will make you feel a little bit lost. Feeling especially centered in one’s life and daily schedule helps prepare our brains for this feeling too. I’m transitioning to working 40 hours per week in my day job, and my kids starting school again, so I’m definitely not in the mindset of feeling lost while reading!

    2. Oh! Oh! I just mentioned not knowing what you do in another comment! I was going to ask if you’re going to do an update post about your life, but then I remembered you’re not an update-post kind of blogger. More info, please!

    3. haha ok I described my job sort of, but here’s another fun thing I do in my job – lead book clubs for corporations! :)

    4. haha don’t worry I won’t. I’ll always have this blog, I just may not post as often as like, but I’m still aiming for at least once a week :)

    5. Yes I love Laila’s blog! I’m worried if I shorten my reviews too much that publishers may get testy with me though haha

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