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  1. Okay, everything about this book has me all wrapped up in it, and I am eager to get my hands on a copy, especially if it’s available in audio. I love this idea of being able to hear something no one else can. From my perspective, this is also a bit like being hard of hearing. Other people hear things, will say, “did you hear that?” and it’s like, “No, no I did not. Should I have??”

  2. I’m afraid this one didn’t work for me, much though I was taken by the basic idea. It may have been my ongoing on/off slump but I just found it wasn’t holding my attention, and I really didn’t like Claire at all! I eventually gave up on it halfway through. 😥

    1. Oh no! Claire was definitely kooky though, and if you had finished it, you probably would have liked her even less LOL

  3. Have kinda half-read-skipped-picked through because this one is in my “soon” pile and I feel like I’ve already heard a lot of buzz (hum?) about it. I’m curious because the subject of belief affects our everyday decisions and lives but it’s something that’s hard to take on in fiction, let alone make it entertaining.

    1. Actually, I thought of that a few times, like, ‘how horrible would it be if I started to hear this too?’

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