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  1. This sounds fabulous! As usual it’s not available here yet, but her other three books are out on Kindle, so hopefully this one will appear too soon. I love the idea of seeing how the various European countries have different cultural expectations of what “Indians” should be! And actually I like that she gives a positive view of the residential schools to contrast with the negative – quite brave in the current climate, and I have no doubt some kids probably did survive it better than others.

  2. Urgh! All the books you review that I really want to read are only available in Canada. This sounds like my favorite kind of novel: dissimilar people trying to make it work together, and it’s all funny and close to reality. I’m very jealous. I clinked the link you shared, and it says in Canada only, even if I want an e-copy.

    1. Yes that’s the unfortunate thing with her writing, it’s usually published by small publishers who only have CDN rights. I’m hoping this book will launch her onto the bestseller list and get some international interest!

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