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  1. The plot of this book also reminds me a bit of White Elephant by Trish Harnetiaux that you read and reviewed a couple of years ago! Those were rich fancy people. The idea of artists trapped together is interesting because they have so many neuroses. I know, I’ve been to writing retreats, lol. And creative writing programs. OMG, the things people have going on with them…I’ll say this for a writing program, though: there are few secrets because everybody tells their business.

    1. Oh yes that White Elephant book! Yup when I was at the Banff Centre (for work) I witnessed some CRAZY SHIT LOL

    2. Well I bought the short story advent calendar for the kids, but then I realized they were still too young for it, so I’ve put it away for another few years. So, long story short…no! haha excuse the pun

    3. I think I remember looking up the short story advent calendar once, and it wasn’t inexpensive. Also, most of the stories had nothing to do with Christmas, Santa, Hanukkah, Krampus, New Year’s — nada.

  2. Yeah, the minute I learned the skeleton staff had been sent home, I’d have been running home – always a sign that things are about to get scary! ;)

  3. I’d be lying if I said this didn’t interest me, but I’m currently on a thriller hangover after two intense reads! I’ll have to wait a little while, ha ha!

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