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    1. I think you’d enjoy it Laila, it’s very thought-provoking, as cliche as that sounds LOL

    1. I was under the impression that the woman in this book decides to just throw caution to the wind and be herself – and the fallout from that. Am I totally off the mark? Maybe that was another book… Lol

    2. Sadly she does not feel comfortable being herself, and to be honest, I don’t think she even knows what being herself would look like, she’s been trying to fit into a mold her entire life…

  1. The conversation around privilege is always sticky. By that, I mean it’s hard to talk to people about advantages they have that they didn’t earn. We’re talking about this in my interpreting class. I made a list of things that put me ahead that I didn’t earn, and even small things like having had braces to straighten my teeth are a privilege.

    1. Oh that’s such a good point Melanie! And totally agree, it’s difficult to talk about this stuff because lots of people get defensive about it. It’s also hard to really untangle ‘earning’ certain things

    2. You’re right, untangling “earning” is hard. For instance, if your parents own a home they bought for very little 50 years ago, and now that home is valued at 4x the original cost, did you “earn” that home when they left it to you in a will? They paid for it with their work, but given the shifting housing market, was their house really the product of effort or luck?

  2. This is on my TBR: I’ve heard lots of praise and lots of frustration but even the readers who didn’t enjoy it said things about it that made me sure I will love it!

    1. Plus it’s so short, it’s not too much of a commitment if you don’t love it. I did really like it though

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