Book Review: Hot Stew by Fiona Mozley
Does a book called “Hot Stew” all about a crowded neighborhood kind of give you the willies? Normally I’d say ‘me too’, but because I’ve spent the last two years avoiding people, Hot Stew by Fiona Mozley sounded like something I wanted to dive into immediately. It’s set in the present day (sans Covid) in the teeming neighborhood of Soho, London, and features a varied cast of characters, all connected via a collapsing townhouse on the verge of being sold. Gentrification, class, the gender divide, complicated inheritances, and power struggles are all found within these pages. Mozley does a superb job of keeping the reader centered within the chaos, and I never felt confused or scattered amidst all the action. Highly recommend this one!
I hadn’t heard of this book, but as you were describing it, I was thinking of that episode of Sex and the City in which Samantha is trying to get sleep for a big meeting, but on the street below her apartment building these sex workers are laughing and talking loudly (I will add this episode has aged like milk; there’s definitely some transphobic nonsense that happens). As you were holding the book in your hand, I noticed it looks quite thick! Did the writing every get sluggish, or was it all gravy?
I found it moved quite quickly actually, I never thought it was too long (which is something I’m usually quite attuned too). Also I like you continuing with the stew metaphor :)
Wow, I didn’t even realize how clever my metaphor was until you pointed it out. 😂
I’m keen to explore her work, but just haven’t gotten there yet! Still working on your crowded piece, eh?
yes! hahah you can see the themes. March is women’s month, some stories by female writers, etc.
This sounds great! I love following multiple characters and these sound varied and lively.