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  1. I really liked Station Eleven but haven’t read either of her more recent novels. I do have a copy of Glass Hotel though so I will probably start with that before this one. The style here sounds similar to Station Eleven – the way a lot happens off page and the focus is more on the very human characters.

    1. I tried to read and DNF’d Station Eleven, and I just realized that the way you describe this book so accurately explains why I didn’t like that book: we’re always adjacent to the relevant thing, we’re always meeting new characters just when we get used to the ones we’re with, etc. Great job helping me think about why I didn’t enjoy a book so many love!

    2. Haha! Happy to help! I don’t think that’s something that bothers me and in this case I found it made the whole pandemic scenario less stressful for me because we were never right in the middle of it.

    3. Ohhhh. I remember especially wanting to get back to the beginning of the novel when everyone was escaping the flu when it just started. And then there were ages in the past. Ugh.

    4. Oh thank you! That’s a real compliment, because i”m always impressed when other reviewers can do that LOL

  2. She is such a brilliant writer! I still intend to reread her last three books soon. I just love the way she tells a story.

  3. I disliked Glass Hotel so was apprehensive about Sea. I loved it and agree with you on Mandel’s writing. Even if I don’t like the plot, she uses words in such a unique way.

    I appreciate that you were able to review this novel. I thought it was outstanding, but couldn’t marshal my thoughts to describe it. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for your comments! I’ve heard people enjoy this one more than Glass Hotel (maybe b/c it’s so much shorter?)

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