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  1. My dad never apologizes, and I always thought that was very stubborn and cruel. And then I learned that his own parents never apologized, and his mom in particular said she would never apologize because she’s never wrong. However, I think she totally missed the lesson about being sorry that someone feels bad. You may not be the one who caused it, but YOU’RE SORRY THAT THEY FEEL BAD!

    I got my mom a bat house for Christmas one year because there were mosquitoes all over the place. They live out in the woods and near a water source. Then she went to buy two or three more bat houses, and now there are no mosquitoes anywhere. I read somewhere that they eat something like 20,000 mosquitoes a night. Sign me up!

    Also, last year I totally read Gustavo the Ghost on your recommendation, lol.

    1. Oh cute! There is a new book in the Gustavo series, stay tuned for that.

      Luckily there aren’t many mosquitoes here in Calgary, it’s too dry for that, but my family in Ontario could really use a bat house or two…

  2. I enjoy David Larochelle’s books so I’ll have to look out for this! I also read Mina at Storytime and it was a big hit!

  3. That one about apologizing looks like a great book to have! I try not to force my kids to apologize unless it’s genuine but I also want to foster an attitude where apologizing (and changing behaviour) doesn’t need to be a huge deal.

    1. It’s funny how the apologizing book really broke down what a genuine apology looks like. There are lots of adults that could use a refresher on this! Just look at the public apologies made lately, and you’ll know what I mean…

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