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  1. Gory rarely works for me, but yes, I can see what you mean about fun – even as I was reading your review I found myself smiling occasionally at the imaginativeness of some of the stories.

    1. Yes, that’s the perfect word for it actually – imaginative!

    1. Honestly, it’s a boring answer, but the publisher just took a chance and sent it to me! Some pubs just send me books without checking first, some send me lists or catalogues to choose from, both happen regularly

    2. Back when I used to have my address out there for ARCs I would get random books from publishers that didn’t fit anything about me or my blog. What a risk, just sending a whole book.

    3. Yes very true, it is a risk! I say no to most books offered to me now actually, I’m just being more realistic about what I’ll get to.

    4. Oh, and this book I could not find :/

      However, I found other books by this author at my library, which means if I request it, chances are good they will buy it.

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