Book Review: The Librarianist by Patrick deWitt

Books about books will always pique my interest, but when highly lauded author Patrick deWitt releases one, I get even more excited. I had really high hopes for The Librarianist and it did not disappoint. It’s a quiet novel about a quiet man, with glimpses of humour and humanity throughout its 300ish pages. The majority of it actually takes place outside a library, but it does spend time describing books and their meaning to our well-read protagonist Bob. I’ll be shocked beyond belief if this book doesn’t appear on award lists this Fall because it’s definitely one of my favourite reads so far this year.
Plot Summary
Bob Comet is a retired librarian. He has lived in the same house all his life, from his boyhood to the present day, and he’s only be married once (for a short time) and only had one lover. He led a fulfilling career when he worked, and his home is still full of books which he enjoys regularly. On one of his daily walks he comes across small a seniors home and decides he wants to volunteer there. During his visits he meets a few people he will later call friends, which launches him into reminiscing about his past. From there the reader is whisked away to different stages of his life; to his awkward childhood, to an adventurous tale of his short stint as a runaway, and finally the months leading up to his marriage and its eventual dissolution. Complementing his quiet and unassuming exterior, the colorful people that have come in and out of Bob’s life are what make this book shine, infusing Bob’s history with a color that keeps these pages turning.
My Thoughts
As in other Patrick deWitt novels, the turns of phrase and dialogue is what sets his writing apart from others. It’s quirky, it’s incredibly unique, and it highlights how weird us humans all are. There are so many little random details that are included, which don’t serve to distract, but simply make us smile, colouring in the picture for us a little more:
“Bob and Ida and June and the dogs went to the diner for dinner but the diner was closed. There was a note taped to the front door: The diner’s shut b/c the cook’s run off. We don’t know where. Do you? Management.“
-p.267 of The Librarianist by Patrick deWitt
Obsessive readers like myself will find much to relate to in Bob. Some books about books lean a little too heavily on the passion of booklovers, or they describe the reasoning behind the interest in reading in a saccharine way. Here, deWitt simply states how crucial reading is to Bob, how it’s a part of his life, it always has been, and always will be. It’s like breathing for him, and I couldn’t help myself but nod along. It’s not some romantic hobby that I indulge in with bated breath, it’s simply a part of my day, that will never change.
The arc of the narrative is a new one that will likely surprise most people; it felt like a rollercoaster with regular ups and downs, rather than building towards a single climax or high point. deWitt doesn’t even progress through Comet’s life in a linear way, instead, he jumps back and forth, and I’m still at a loss as to why he chose to do this. It doesn’t detract from the book at all, but it is puzzling. The characters that fill Bob’s life are what elevate this book to something that’s not only entertaining, but award-worthy. Even though we may only get glimpses of their lives, each and every person is memorable in their own way, having a unique way of speaking, holding themselves, and interacting with the world deWitt’s created.
I loved this book, but I’ve loved most of everything from this author, so by now I’m a bit biased towards him. But if you enjoy deep character studies with a lighter side, give this one a try.
My husband and I listen to the book French Exit, and as much as we both loved it, we just got so angry with the ending. Each of us came up with an alternate ending that would work perfectly with the book and be way more satisfying, and now I feel like we should work in publishing!
yes, the ending was super frustrating, I remember that much. But I just love his dialogue!!!
Oh, yes, and his characters are bizarre in the best way!
I’m excited to read this one. I’ve never read him before but have been meaning to for ages.
I think you’d enjoy this one Laila, plus the whole library connection is fun
Sounds a bit too introspective for my taste – I’m one of those odd readers who doesn’t find books about books and reading or writing very interesting! But I know loads of readers do, so you’re probably right that this one will be heading for prizes.
I’ve only read The Sisters Brothers by deWitt but did enjoy it and every review of this one seems overwhelmingly positive.
I think you’d enjoy this one Karissa!