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  1. Haha, I wonder why she loves to sleep under a lit Christmas tree! They are strange little creatures… :D

    I’m off to block up my letter-box now – no way is Santa squeezing through that in the middle of the night! Merry Christmas, Anne! 🎅

  2. And there is the ducky, front and center in your tree picture! Too funny. Did you read the fiction advent calendar this year? I wondered if you did but did not review it. Honestly, if they managed to make it festive, I would buy it, but you’ve said in the past that most are not. Wouldn’t it be great to get a variety of Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, solstice, secular Christmas, etc stories every year from excellent writers? England has a tradition of telling ghost stories at Christmas, so even that could be a thing!

    1. I put that ducky there right for you!

      They do release a fiction advent calendar each year, but I haven’t purchased it in awhile, I find it’s too much work at an already busy time for me, so I just get overwhelmed as it feels like another ‘to do’ on my list.

    1. This may sound gross, but I never actually wash those mugs because we don’t use them. I put them out at Christmas as decorations, and then put them back in January, they never touch anyone’s lips haha

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