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  1. So many romance books are too long! They could keep this kind of story to about 280 pages and it would make people happy. 😊

    1. exactly!!!! Let’s not drag it on too long, it’s fun for a short time, not a long time haha

  2. The too long problem never seems to stop, does it? Interesting to focus so much on a friendship in a romance novel, though – makes it more appealing.

  3. I was glad to read the book shortlisted for last year’s Canada Reads, but I haven’t felt the pull to read another. I appreciate that she’s very theme oriented, but I think it’s tough to balance an “important” theme with a kinda-predictable-cuz-that’s-the-whole-point-really romance…not everyone is going to be happy with the blend of serious/romancey bits.

    1. I think part of the problem is that romance isn’t one of my favourite genres. i enjoy reading it occasionally, but I’ll never be a regular reader of it. This book did however, really make me want to travel to PEI – I’ve never been, and I feel like a terrible canadian haha

  4. When I read in the synopsis that Bridget tells everyone that no one can date her brother because he had a bad breakup, I rolled my eyes. She’s not being kind to her friends, and she’s not being respectful to her brother. What a weird thing to do.

    On your note about friendship, I had a blog friend tell me, “Oh, I can go months and months without talking to my friends.” In my book, that means we’re not friends anymore. My mom agrees with the blog friend, though. Honestly, I was super close with the blog friend and now I haven’t seen or talked to them in years. If I saw them tomorrow, I wouldn’t say, “Hey, friend!” I would think about the dozens of important things about me and my life about which this person has zero clue.

    1. Yah the whole reason for them not being allowed to date in the first place was silly, which sort of undermined the whole plot for me, but I feel picky saying that out loud haha

      Hmm on friendship, I would agree with Biscuit actually, I can go months and months without seeing or talking to a friend and still consider them a friend. However, my idea of friendships had to change after I became a mother, because suddenly I didn’t have the bandwidth for friendships like I used to. And some friends I just don’t see all that often, but I like catching up. It’s weird I guess, I think we go through phases…

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