Book Review: Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk by David Sedaris

Book Review: Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk by David Sedaris

While on vacation I indulged by reading my favourite author of all time, David Sedaris. I picked up this quirky little collection of animal-themed stories Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk at the Calgary Reads book sale a few months ago, and because this is a departure from his...
Book Review: The Birds That Stay by Ann Lambert

Book Review: The Birds That Stay by Ann Lambert

I’m finding it harder and harder these days to find a simple mystery among the new books released each month. So many big publishers seem to be churning out a never-ending barrage of thrillers, yet the good ol’ fashioned mystery seems to be falling out of...
Book Review: Every Summer After by Carley Fortune

Book Review: Every Summer After by Carley Fortune

I’m in the midst of preparing my ‘hot summer fiction’ segment for CBC Calgary, and I knew as soon as I read the first review of Every Summer After by Carley Fortune that I’d have to include this novel in my annual round-up. Canadians are...
Puzzle Review: Book Nerd by Holly Maguire

Puzzle Review: Book Nerd by Holly Maguire

Perhaps I’ve unlocked some sort of new book blogger level once I’ve been sent a puzzle for review, or maybe the good folks at Thomas Allen just know I’m the type of person that wants to sit at home by myself for long periods of time, but either way, I’m excited to...
Book Review: The It Girl by Ruth Ware

Book Review: The It Girl by Ruth Ware

When a Ruth Ware books lands on my doorstep, I get excited. I’ve read every single one of her books published, and really enjoyed all of them. Because she’s writing in such a crowded genre, I’ll recognize certain tactics of suspense, or a stretch in...