Category: Book Events.

A Year of Juxtapositions: Come to the 2017 WGA Conference!

A Year of Juxtapositions: Come to the 2017 WGA Conference!

I’ve spoken a few times about my role as President of the Board of Directors for The Writers’ Guild of Alberta. It’s a volunteer position that I feel very strongly about, and am so proud to have been a part of this board for four years now (going on...
I Met Michael Chabon and Embarrassed Myself

I Met Michael Chabon and Embarrassed Myself

I have a terrible admission to make: I’ve never read a book by Michael Chabon. What is wrong with me? I know he’s a good writer, and I NOW know he’s a nice person, so what is my problem? I need to fix this asap, so I’m on the hunt for a good...
CBC Canada Reads Rundown: 2017

CBC Canada Reads Rundown: 2017

Canadian bookworms are generally a shy bunch. We don’t get out much because we’re so busy reading and drinking tea (especially in the winter months) and our book awards are not as numerous as the Americans, so rarely do we get a chance to have national...
Radio Segment: Wordfest 2016 Preview

Radio Segment: Wordfest 2016 Preview

It’s that time of year again! Thanksgiving is almost upon us, which also means Wordfest is right around the corner. Back when I worked for the festival, the falling leaves typically struck fear into my heart because it signalled the beginning of an extremely...
The Calgary Awards

The Calgary Awards

One of my Presidential duties at the Writers’ Guild of Alberta includes attending very fun events to represent our organization. Last night, the Calgary Awards was a perfect example of this. The WGA partners with the city to present the W.O. Mitchell Book Prize,...

Book Review: Black Apple by Joan Crate

In honour of the recent Alberta Book Awards being given out, I wanted to highlight another wonderful book I just finished by an award-winning Alberta author Joan Crate. Black Apple follows a young Aboriginal girl named Sinopaki as she is forcefully taken from her...