Category: Book Reviews.

Radio Segment: Cats, Cats and More Cats

Radio Segment: Cats, Cats and More Cats

So you’ve probably noticed that I’ve been reading a lot of cat books lately. I wasn’t just doing this because I REALLY LOVE CATS-I was doing this in anticipation of my cats book segment for the CBC this past week. I feel like book lovers and cat...
Book Review: Class by Lucinda Rosenfeld

Book Review: Class by Lucinda Rosenfeld

I’ve been called a ‘bleeding heart’ liberal before, mainly by my husband (whom I typically don’t see eye to eye with politically, although this makes for a more interesting marriage in general), so when I heard about a book that satirizes...
Book Review: The Lion in the Living Room by Abigail Tucker

Book Review: The Lion in the Living Room by Abigail Tucker

Why, another book about cats? Yes please I say! I can’t get enough of them, and that is why I’ve just recently read The Lion in the Living Room by Abigail Tucker, a non-fiction guide to the evolution of domestic cats. Tucker charts the rise of cats in our...
Book Review: Next Year For Sure by Zoey Leigh Peterson

Book Review: Next Year For Sure by Zoey Leigh Peterson

So the basic storyline behind Next Year For Sure by Zoey Leigh Peterson should pique the interest of most people; it’s about a young couple who open up their relationship to other people, effectively creating a polyamorous arrangement.  I know right???? Very...
Book Review: The World According to Bob by James Bowen

Book Review: The World According to Bob by James Bowen

A fellow book blogger had reviewed a ‘Bob the Cat’ book a few weeks ago (sorry I can’t find the post again!), and it prompted me to track down The World According to Bob, The Further Adventures of One Man and His Street-Wise Cat by James Bowen. This...