Unique Blogger Award!!!

Unique Blogger Award!!!

Ok first I feel as though I owe a giant apology to Annmarie @ Annemarie McQueen for taking so damn long to get to this. I’m so bad, and I’m sorry! Big thanks to her for nominating me. She’s got a fantastic blog, and even though she’s new to the blogging game she’s got a…

The Calgary Awards

The Calgary Awards

One of my Presidential duties at the Writers’ Guild of Alberta includes attending very fun events to represent our organization. Last night, the Calgary Awards was a perfect example of this. The WGA partners with the city to present the W.O. Mitchell Book Prize, so we always make an appearance at the event to help…

Happy 200th Post!!!!

Happy 200th Post!!!!

Whew, how did I get here? 200 posts plus numerous cat pictures later, and I’veReadThis is still going strong, thanks to you guys, my readers. When I first began this blog, I had just left my job in the publishing industry, and was desperate to keep ties to the book community I knew and loved….

Calling All Youths!!!!

Calling All Youths!!!!

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but it doesn’t hurt to say it a second time; I’m on the Board of Directors for a really amazing organization called The Writers’ Guild of Alberta. That’s right, I don’t just read books! I try to support writers too, because I’m not a writer myself, but I want…

New Year, New Look

I was getting sick of the way my blog looked before, so I gave it an update, thanks to the fine themes they have available through wordpress. I personally find change difficult, but I hope you, dear readers, appreciate this transformation, because I would like my blog to be more user-friendly; if you can’t find…