Holiday Advent Calendar Unveiling: December 6

My cold is slowly getting better, and to help speed things along and make my video more ‘viewable’, I’ve put on a bit more make-up today. Normally I’m not a big make-up person, but since I’ve started posting these advent youtube videos all these make-up advent calendar videos pop up on the side of my screen, which has made me realize how very little effort I’ve been putting into my appearance lately, especially next to these youtube queens who are most likely making hundreds of thousands of dollars, simply for trying different brands of mascara. Ok rant over, but it’s not really a rant when you’re jealous, is it? Book videos just don’t seem to rake in the cash like I was hoping :)
Feel better soon. Never a good thing when I’ll around the holidays.
I know, terrible timing! Hopefully it’s gone in a few more days :(
I think your camera has an auto focus. It got confused when your kitty would move and zoom in on her instead of you.
I don’t do booktube (just yours), but I would feel weird about people putting on lots of makeup to talk about a book. Almost like it’s more important to look conventionally pretty than discuss the book. I thought you looked very nice today and yesterday, though the looks were subtly different.
haha thank you! Ok that makes me feel way better :)
I think it’s just marvellous that you decorated your bedroom to match your cats! I’m off to paint my walls white with black blobs on them now – can’t have Tommy feeling second-class…
hahaha white with black blobs sounds positively avant-garde!
I think you look lovely with or without makeup, even with a cold! I had to laugh at Smokey immediately showing us her backside at the start of the video! This story sounds intriguing, at least premise-wise.
oh yes, that’s Smokey’s signature move (unfortunately).