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  1. Well done for not giving birth during the recording! (Fun though that would have been for your listeners… 😉) Now go and read something cheerful…

  2. I will forever think of giving birth as “hunker down and give birth” from now on.

    I’m listening to a memoir now called First They Killed My Father, which is about Cambodia when Pol Pot toto over. It’s horrifying. I almost threw up while listening to it just the other day.

    1. oh jeez yah that sounds horrible. On a (somewhat) lighter note, there is definitely hunkering going on when you give birth. Lots of women literally ‘squat out’ their baby. I don’t, but many do!

    2. I know, in the States at least, that there is a movement slowly growing that is trying to persuade women to stop giving birth how hospitals tell them to, largely because the idea of laying in a bed is an unnatural position for the shape of the body and how birth works. Rikki Lake even made a documentary about it.

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