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  1. Shocking stuff! I’m afraid we all have our own racism problems – any country that has had immigration or where an indigenous population has been overwhelmed by incomers. I do think it gets better bit by bit though – it certainly has here in my lifetime, though we’ve still got a long way to go…

  2. Oh my goodness, that is so sad. It breaks my heart to think of young people giving up so soon. I know I tend to think of Canada as this more enlightened “paradise” especially the last two years (ahem!) but consciously I know you guys struggle with racism too. I hope this book get a wide audience.

    1. I think alot of people have that idea of Canada, and not that i’m not proud to be Canadian, but we’ve got our own issues too!

  3. I’m always pleased to see this writer and this story in particular get media coverage. There are always new facets to “old stories” and I think the personal stories of these young people do bring something different to the conversation.

  4. We definitely took native children away from their families in the U.S., too. Killing languages was a huge part of it. I remember reading a play about the Irish losing their language to the colonizing English and what that did to communities. It’s the same thing that happened to tribes, this forced assimilation. And assimilation is a word we hear a lot in the States in connection to immigrants.

    1. yes I bet! It’s sad isn’t it, how prevalent this is throughout the world. I’ve heard that detaching people from their native culture is the most effective way of ‘wiping out people’, which is why it happened so much I think.

  5. I love the passion in this review. It’s shocking to think police wouldn’t take the disappearance or deaths of ANY child seriously!!!

    *Smokey looks especially gorgeous in this picture. :)

    1. why thank you! Yes, reading this book will make you feel passionate about this whole thing, it’s just hard to fathom really.

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