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  1. Did you read the Harold Fry book that came out a few years ago? I liked it very much but this sounds like it’s a bit more realistic of a personal journey than that.

    1. Yes I did, although I can’t remember if I reviewed it or not. But i vaguely remember reading it, that’s about it. I think it depends-some of these books are meant more as entertainment, while others are supposed to be ‘soul searching’ if you know what I mean.

  2. Yes, the title and cover do set up certain expectations – I wonder if that might lead to some negative reviews when readers don’t get quite what they expect…

    1. hmm wouldn’t be surprised! Goodreads tends to be good for this sort of thing, people are so brutally honest on it haha

  3. Based on the author’s name, I wonder if this book is about an immigrant family living in the UK and if that colors (I mean colours) their experiences as a family.

    1. Hmm Chandra is an immigrant but his kids are born in the UK, but it definitely colours their experiences each and every one of them!

    2. Novels about the children of immigrants are interesting because each culture experiences the new country differently. Amy Tan’s stories are so different from, say, No-No Boy by John Okada, who is Japanese.

  4. You’re right – the title and cover had me thinking it was going to be a certain type of book. I think I like the sound of what it really is more! I love that the author doesn’t paint him as the “bad guy” because of his situation – these things are so complicated!

    1. exactly! This book is all about the complications of life and relationships, very realistic!

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