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  1. I do think it’s as important to recognise the good things in our societies as to be aware of the bad. Sometimes there’s so much focus on what’s wrong, not just now but in our histories too, that it becomes overwhelmingly depressing, and I feel doesn’t really reflect life for most of us, which is usually a mix of good and bad. Just like most of us are basically good people, who occasionally act in selfish or thoughtless ways…

    1. Yes that’s a good point. And the importance of hope right? How important it is for us all to hold hope in our hearts, especially when times get tough

  2. This is a really interesting review, to put two such different books together and examine what they say about a province and country. In BC we sometimes like to view Alberts as our crazy right-wing relative but I think fundamentally we’re not that different and many of the attitudes found in Alberta are here in BC too, for better or worse.

    1. I live here, and I think it’s a crazy right-wing place too, so you are definitely not alone! haha

  3. I don’t know much about Alberta….even where it is on the map, exactly. So, I looked it up and was surprised by how high up Alberta goes. It made me wonder what aspects of Alberta are different the further north you get, or if that’s just all trees and bears and a portal where all lost hockey pucks go. If there are people that far north, are they the Alaskans of Canada, living-off-the-grid survivalists?

    1. haha and I’ve never been to the far north of Alberta! I’m sure there are lots of lost hockey pucks. But there is also some beautiful country, and the oil sands, which is a controversial site we dig up and treat bitumen for oil export. Some people call it the ‘tar sands’

  4. I love that you reviewed these together, and I so badly hope that a better Canada is just around the corner!
    I have both of these on my list – now I can’t wait to read them! I can’t believe what happened to Assaf’s family (even though I can). Again, I’d like to now what is going on inside their heads. What makes people generalize so broadly and irrationally like that?! My daughter, who likes to read about psychology and how brains work, would say “fear”. But that’s a LOT of fear.

    1. When you get all the context he offers, it’s even more crazy, believe me! I just shook my head when I read it, it’s really shocking.

  5. i enjoyed Melanie’s comment and question. Having recently had to look up Kentucky and get familiar with its location, I sympathize with the way that we are familiar with parts of other countries but not knowledgeable about them. Heheh

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