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  1. I went through a phase of reading medical thrillers when I was in university and I think I read enough to last a lifetime, but past-me probably would have LOVED this story. I also admire the kind of quick character sketch that some writers manage in just a page or two, to get you hooked. Did you find the resolution believable in the end?

    1. I did, yes. It all seemed very believable to me, probably because Kalla is a dr, he understood what can actually happen what would likely happen.

  2. I’m right back to being pandemic terrified. If you’re fully vaccinated, you don’t have to wear a mask. Cool! Now the CDC says if you’re in an area with high spread and you’re vaccinated, you have to wear a mask. I’m just like, WHAT!? I wore my mask (and for a long time double masked) so bravely and quietly, no fuss, for almost a year despite feeling extremely panicky in it. I would have a bit of an anxiety attack every day when I left work and took it off because my brain would realize how suffocated I felt, even though I’m not really suffocating. I’m just….I’m so worn out, Anne. I hope you are okay. It IS a huge relief to be fully vaccinated.

    I wonder if the author purposely chose children as the victims to see how people would react differently if the pandemic was killing more children instead of older adults, people with disabilities, etc. Speaking of disabilities, I loathe that one of the anti-vaxxer’s complaints is that they think the vaccine gave their child autism, which is considered a disability. It doesn’t say much for how those people think of disabled folks and their value in society.

    1. I know, this whole thing, it’s so weird with masks. Alberta has dropped ALL their recommendations, and starting mid-August, if you test positive, you don’t even have to isolate anymore, it’s just strongly recommended. Many people are upset about it, it’s all mixed messages. And I totally agree with you re: the anti-vaxx argument around autism, none of it is logical, and it’s all offensive.

  3. Reading about pandemics doesn’t scare me for some reason. Unless I’m reading about the real one! And the fact that this author is a doctor makes me want to read this even more. Sounds good!

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