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  1. I frequently add McMahon to my displays at the library, but I guess I never realized she was more horror and less thriller. Thanks for giving me a better picture of what this author offers! And I have to say, any water that’s bottomless 100% has sharks or anacondas or alligators in it. That’s just fact.

    1. I think just bottomless water in itself is terrifying? Like, the bottom of the ocean is probably scarier than space really

  2. I might try this author this fall when I’m in the mood for scary books! Also, I don’t like to be in water I can’t see through so this probably wouldn’t affect me much anyway, ha ha.

  3. This definitely doesn’t sound like a beachside read! There is a lake near us that is so deep in parts that it actually is salt water there. It doesn’t keep me from swimming in it but I do try not to think about it while I’m in the water!

    1. oh wow I’ve never heard of that-that sounds really creepy actually! I didn’t know that the deeper the lake goes, the saltier it gets…

    2. The lake is called Sakinaw and it’s actually quite unique. Apparently at one point it was connected to the ocean (eons ago) but has since been cut off and so the saltwater has settled at the bottom, along with all kinds of unique microbes. You just never know what’s around you when you’re in water!

  4. I agree that water stories can be exceptionally eerie (look, a LAKE JOKE) and I feel like I’ve seen a lot of films that capitalized on that too. Very creepy. But I like to remember something about the books I read, and it sounds like these are great while you’re reading but maybe don’t linger even a little? Although…seven years is a long time…

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