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  1. Ooooooh, I do like that last quote, and you probably knew I would!

    I read his Christmas collection with the whisky glass on the cover and was surprised by how fairly racist it was, and I’ve never bounced back from that with his writing. 😬😬

    1. Yes, I can get that vibe sometimes from his books unfortunately. Like, I don’t think he means it that way, but he is becoming less and less aware of his privilege, so his complaining can come off as very tone deaf.

  2. Sedaris is such an astute observer of society and I appreciate that he’s not afraid to point out contradictions that exist, even when that isn’t necessarily going to settle comfortably for every reader. I’ve heard him be challenged in many an interview and he always has a balanced and fair approach, which is often self-deprecating and he seems to leave a space for others to have their own, differing experiences and opinions too. I’m really “behind” with reading his books but I feel like I’ve uptodate because I’ve heard and seen him read/speak (not in person though!) so many times. When the Theft volume of his diary was published, I’m sure I spent enough hours listening to parts of it in interviews that I really should have just read the damn thing. Heheh (LOVE that inscription. So strange, but amusing.)

    1. right? It’s just so Sedaris. He has one story about how a few people have asked him to inscribe their book, and then commit to having his inscription tatooed on their body. THE PRESSURE!!!

  3. This sounds like something I’d laugh at and feel uncomfortable about at the same time.

    We just got this in at the library and I was surprised by how huge it is!

    Are the entries taken from his real diary, or did he write it in the style of diary entries?

    1. I think the entries are taken from his real diary. It’s sort of written with just the date, and then a paragraph underneath, so it’s really just snippets in his life.

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