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  1. Sounds entertaining! Must admit I’m struggling with the idea of anyone with Pakistani heritage feeling like an outsider in West London though, where ethnic minorities make up more than 50% of the population, a huge proportion of them from South-East Asia! When I lived in nearby Hounslow more than twenty years ago, the South-East Asian community already made up about a third of the entire population.

    1. I assumed it was this rich Wimbledon community that was extremely white – all I know about it is the place where tennis takes place. The author described it as a very insular community where outsiders are easily visible, in many senses of the word…

  2. I get tired of the stories of rich mommies trying to fit in, but in this case the author has done something clever by adding in comments about the woman’s culture and appearance. I am interested in Fiction Fan’s comment about how many people in West London are South-East Asian and wonder the approach the author took regarding the population mix. I will say even when I am in an area in my city that has a larger African America population, if there are white people present, even a slight majority, you still feel the less-than-fuzzy vibe of insider/outsider.

    1. Yes and as I said to FF, I imagine the Wimbledon community is quite small and white-er than normal :)

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