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    1. I’m scared to click on this link…

      Ok haha yes horror is a good point. but like…differerent than ‘action / violence’ know what I mean? Horror is something that can solved by the end (i.e. the demon dies, the super killer is caught etc.) but with crime novels it’s just…bleak reality lol

    2. Hahahahha, I forgot how funny that meme is. “Reminds me of summer camp,” lol. It’s true that horror often has some kind of conclusion, even if it means chaining Jason Voorhees to a brick in the bottom of the lake in which he drowned so he just floats around until someone swims by.

    3. which is, of course a terrifying idea that will continue to haunt me as I swim in lakes for the rest of my days

  1. Ha, as someone who has always preferred “men’s books” to “women’s”, I think you’ve just explained the reasons why very well – get on with the plot and leave out the feelings! ;) I loved some of Archer’s early books but was a bit less enthusiastic about this one than you. Credibility issues abound! But he is very readable.

    1. Yes credibility was a bit of an issue. There were some definite leaps made in this plot LOL

  2. He’s still very popular at my library but I’ve yet to read him. I might give him a try one day. But the whole “man book “ vs. “woman book” is a thing… there are men who use my library who never ever read a woman author and vice versa.

    1. It is indeed a thing! And it’s definitely reflected in book covers too…

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