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  1. Haha, well, it sounds as if he’s managed to pack in nearly every outraged Twitter hashtag of the last few years! Too full of “messages” for me, but I’m glad to hear that at least it’s not trying to take itself too seriously! ;)

  2. What an interesting sounding book! It seems to offer a lot more food for thought than might come from a quick glance at the cover. Would you call it satire?

  3. I remember reading that when people land in countries in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, or Haiti, etc. just south of the U.S., they’re basically put on a bus right out of the plane, and that bus does not stop until they get to the luxury hotel. Otherwise, the passengers will become incredibly aware of just how poverty-stricken, and in many cases dangerous, that country is.

  4. This book sounds wild! You’re right about that disparity of rich and poor often being present when you travel. It’s hard not to feel guilty when you’re vacationing amidst poverty but it can be equally hard to know how to handle that.

    1. So true – it’s such a mixture of feelings and emotions, sometimes it’s just easier to vacation in Canada haha

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