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  1. Yes, yes, to this review! I was the same way, with reading friends raving about the book and me being so disinterested I turned down an advance copy. I got it at the library and tore through it this weekend and now just want to start it over. Definitely 5 stars.

    1. Oh I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one! Lots of people seem to be enjoying this actually

  2. I was curious about this book and looked forward to reading it. I’m half-way through and honestly, I don’t think I want to continue. I don’t understand the ‘rave’ reviews as described in the comment above.
    Besides the dreary ‘gaming’ descriptions that lost me over and over again, the characters (save one) are so unlikeable that it became depressing to finish. Wouldn’t recommend it. 1 star .

    1. It’s definitely not for everyone, and life is too short to read books you don’t enjoy! Onto the next…

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