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    1. It’s a great cover isn’t it? It perfectly illustrates her being ‘weighed’ down by all the men in her life LOL

  1. I will probably end up reading this. I loved her memoir (even though it was sometimes hard to read) and her novel Guy made me wonder what I was reading. I like a book that pushes the boundaries.

    1. And this novel definitely pushes boundaries! I know what you mean about her memoir sometimes being hard to read…

  2. I’m curious: do you also find a story about a man pining after a woman cringe, or only the other way ’round?

    Drunk Mom has definitely stuck with me over the years. She writes vividly and pushes the margins, which I appreciate.

    1. I don’t think I find a man pining after a woman cringe because I’m not a man and I can’t place myself in his shoes. But when a woman does it, I’m like “Oh come on, we’ve all been there, but we’re better than this” ya know?

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