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  1. Awww, it’s that time of year when I truly miss your short story Advent calendar videos. They give a rhythm to the season for me, but I know they are a lot of work too. I love how ghost stories are a British Christmas tradition. They used to show them on tv, typically shows that were based on stories by people like MR James. I also know that the novel The Woman in Black starts with the family telling Christmas ghost stories, and the main character is so overwhelmed by remembering his experience with the woman in black that he has to step outside to get some air.

    1. Oh I forgot that part about The Woman in Black! I may do the short story advent calendar again some year, they keep churning them out :)

    2. Hmm that’s a good point. I’m just assuming there aren’t as many around, but there likely are. They are a pretty small publisher, so I’m assuming they are just trying to save as much money as possible. LOL

  2. The crying baby gives me chills just from your review! I haven’t read any of these, but they all sound good, and I see they’re available here, whereas I seem to remember they weren’t last year…

    1. Oh I’m glad to know they are now available overseas! Yes the whole crying baby thing was super creepy it really brought the ‘horror’ aspect of the story

  3. I love A Visit! I’ve read it a few times and ordered this bundle so will read it again. Once I read just its dialogue to see how Jackson achieved the story—ingenious.

    1. I think I need to re-read A Visit actually, it has much more depth than I realized the first read-through. I hope you enjoy the bundle, these are such fantastic little books :)

  4. “A Visit” is one of my favorite Shirley Jackson stories. I’ve read it a few times and once I read just the dialogue to see how she achieved its effect — it’s bonkers.

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