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  1. I love suburbia as a setting. A bunch of neighbours/friends and all their secrets and rivalries! I’m so glad everyone in my street just ignore each other… ;)

    1. Well our street doesn’t ignore each other, but we certainly don’t get into each other’s business like this street does – yikes!

  2. In my interpreting class, we had a guest come in and talk about embryo adoption. We had to interpret what the woman was talking about, and then we had a class discussion about the topic later. Our professor was saying that it’s very important to not exclude women who have not had children, for whatever reason. She said that no matter where she moves in the US, she always finds a family with children. She has no children of her own. I thought that was really interesting. I’ve lost so many friends because they had kids, even though I said I would be happy to be part of their family.

    1. I always find it so weird when people who have kids suddenly abandon their friends without kids. I love my friends without kids even more (it feels like) because they remind me of who I was before I became a mother, and I miss that person sometimes. I always appreciate their non-parenting perspective on things, it helps keep me well rounded

    2. That’s a great point. Your non-parent friends can help you see the bigger picture beyond motherhood. Something that annoys me is when someone’s social media bio says something like, “Mama bear, wife, daughter.” Like…those are all saying who she is based on other people.

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