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  1. Sounds like a great mix of stories, although the very short ones would probably leave me feeling unsatisfied too. I think I’m a bit pedantic – I really need authors to spell out what they’re trying to say to some extent.

  2. A writer could put together a whole short story collection with anecdotes from time on a reference desk. It certainly is challenging, amusing, and rewarding. However, I thought pregnant women weren’t supposed to be around people taking chemo medications? Or did I make that up?

    1. who knows? Sounds about right. The whole idea of a reference desk sounds fascinating and I really enjoyed reading about that particular part of being a librarian :)

  3. Like you, I have a hard time reading one story a day (or week) – if they’re good I just want to keep going and see what’s next. These sound like something I’d like, and remind me of a collection I’m in the middle of – The End of Me by John Gould. Short and snappy.

  4. I would probably want to make this collection last. It’s great that you’re committing to read more regional authors. But, then, there are lots of regions. All with good stories!

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