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  1. I loved both of Turton’s books so far though I don’t think he entirely sticks the ending for me. Still he’s on my auto buy list. Glad you enjoyed this one!

    1. I didn’t mind the ending of this one, but of course this is the first of his that I’ve read! I want to read Evelyn Hardcastle now…

  2. This sounds so great! I’ve heard a little about it but this is the most detailed review I’ve read so far and you’ve got me intrigued!

  3. If this book needed to go in a filing cabinet, my brain wouldn’t know where to put it. It sounds funny but scary and paranormal and historical and how does a person balance all of that? I almost wonder if it could be called an epic novel, though epics often have a long bout of travel during which the main character meets lots of people.

    1. It’s probably epic because it’s so jacked full of stuff! Definitely fun though

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