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  1. The scene with the black man and the racist diner owner reminds me of a famous story reported by Studs Terkel in which a Klan member and a black woman work together. Eventually, they become good friends as they talked about problems with their kids.

    1. It’s a strange story, but also, sort of heartwarming I guess? Common ground can be found anywhere, especially between complaining parents LOL

  2. I’ve only read two books by Thomas King but the older man who is slightly grumpy and likes to do things on his own timeline was a main character in both!

    1. Literally any book I’ve read by Thomas King includes this character – it’s probably just a version of himself!

    1. Like you, I haven’t started this series. So the more he writes, the more reluctant I am to read the first one. Sometimes I feel like telling all the writers to Slow Down!

  3. Nooo, I warned you that there wasn’t enough cat in this one!
    Also, I am going to complain that I haven’t been offered an ENTIRE SERIES.
    I thought she loved me too. But she loves you better.

    1. Gosh yes, I should have listened. Also, it was Mike M at HC, not a woman – who is your contact? Mike M has since left…

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