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  1. I skimmed your review a bit since this one is sitting on my TBR and I should be getting to it soon, so I’m delighted to hear you think it’s a winner!

    1. I’d be interested to hear what you think of this one FF! You’ve read Ware before right? Once or twice? I think she was a hit and miss for you but I can’t remember

    2. You have a great memory! Yes I loved one of them and then wasn’t so enamoured by the next one that I tried. But I think that was during that terrible slump that I had when Covid kicked off, and I really feel that a lot of books didn’t get a fair chance from me at that time, so I’m giving the authors another chance to impress me now that life is back to something approaching normal!

    3. It’s funny how the time/headspace we are in while reading can so greatly affect our opinion of a book. Ware will no doubt have many more books for you to test out!

  2. It’s been a few years since I read In A Dark, Dark Wood, but isn’t there something in that novel too about one woman ending up with a man who used to go out with the other lead woman? I do really enjoy Ware’s mystery and plots, but her pacing drives me bonkers. She has a past and a present timeline, and just as the past timeline is about to reach the conclusion, she puts us in the present and drags her feet, withholding the conclusion for (in my opinion) far too long. However, I’ve never read a Ware text, just audio, so perhaps the “feet dragging” only feels that way because audiobooks are always slower (unless you speed them up, like my mom does!).

    1. Does your Mom press Fast Forward? How does she speed them up?

      Yes I’d try reading Ware, see if you feel any differently. Lots of ppl are sick of her by now, but for some reason…I just can’t get enough!

    2. She has the Libby app through her library, and I guess you can change the speed settings to 1.5x the speed or 2x the speed, etc. I tried it once and was immediately overwhelmed!

    3. Oh wow, I had no idea you could do that. I could see why that would be overwhelming absolutely

    1. Actually I agree with you, she isn’t all that likeable, so many of Ware’s characters rarely are!

  3. I too am a lover of Ruth Ware’s writing, however The It Girl, in my opinion is the worst one I have read. It was clear to me from the outset who the murderer was (although not why, admittedly) so for me it lacked any of the usual suspense.

    1. I’ve heard some people say her books are uneven for sure. I’m looking forward to reading her next one, Zero Days. It’s on my shelf!

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