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  1. Okay, so next you have to read We Are Never Meeting In Real Life. I love that you see true growth over the three books, which is why I’ve mentioned reading them in order. If you know about her elderly mother and missing school, and you know about her transient, alcoholic father, a lot of her personality makes sense later. It’s funny, but the way she writes about her disease makes me forget that it’s actually a disability, so I want to call her writing “poop stuff,” but I would be more accurate if I wrote “disability humor.” Anyway, she lives in Kalamazoo, MI, which is not far from me, so when she did a reading at her local bookstore, I went. She was very nice.

    1. Yes I thought about you alot when I read her book because I have you to thank for turning me onto her! She does seem super nice, send deals with her disability with such humour and positivity, it’s a great thing to aspire to

    2. I think I also told you that when I saw her at the reading in Kalamazoo that her wife was there, too. It’s so funny to see her wife there and then leave with the newest book and read about their sex life, lol.

    3. that is definitely weird. Also in Meaty she didn’t really seem into women at that point? Or didn’t write about it much at least…

    4. No, Meaty is most about her parents and transitioning to adulthood, We Are Never Meeting in Real Life is about her father passing and her disabilities, and Wow, No Thank You is about her wife and becoming popular.

    5. I just noticed that her blog, Bitches Gotta Eat, which I’ve read for years, is now on a SubStack, which means you have to pay for it. I’ll consider it.

    6. I think it’s just a paid subscription? I’ve never used it, but good for her making money on her writing. She’s famous enough that people will pay to read her blog. When it was on BlogSpot and I followed her, everything was SO FUNNY.

  2. I used to work with a woman with Crohn’s disease and she had a fantastic upbeat outlook on life too, despite it all. This sounds too much for me, but I’m glad it helped you get through a stressful time. I turn to old favourites – Agatha Christie, etc – so that I can be 100% sure of enjoyment!

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